In this forum prompted by Emily Ogden’s Credulity, Susan Lepselter’s The Resonance of Unseen Things, Pamela Klassen’s The Story of…
Secularism’s enchantments and disenchantments: A reply to Goto-Jones and Zhan
Read side by side, these two stunning commentaries on Magic’s Reason—for which I am immensely grateful—both seem to revolve around…
The secularist killjoy: A reply to Schaefer and Smith
I am grateful to Donovan Schaefer and Caleb Smith for their productive, provocative responses. Both in their different ways have…
Volatile signs: Feminism, secularism, political economy
What, then, does a feminist critique of secularism and its imperial geopolitics look like? What are the terms in which…
The Devil: A New Biography
A great deal of ink was spilled in the medieval and early modern period on the nature of demonic copulation.…
Conference: Toward a Critique of Secular Reason?
On December 10-11, 2014, the Institute of Philosophy (KU Leuven) will host the international conference Towards a Critique of Secular…
Modernity, enchantment, and Fictionalism
The stern visage of Max Weber looms over discussions of modernity and enchantment, as does the sunnier countenance of Charles…
Secularism and the invention of American evangelicalism
Few books in the field of American religious history has received more attention over the few years than John Modern’s Secularism…
Confused parchments, infinite socialities
Ambivalence, avoidance, hedging, delay—these are but some of my responses to Michael Warner’s richly rendered provocation and response to my…
Disenchantment and the mind-dependence of the moral
At the core of contemporary secularism is the denial of the existence of deities and the supernatural. There is only…