At the national party congress of the governing populist right-wing Progress Party in Norway in May, the assembled party delegates adopted resolutions calling for state control of Norwegian mosques in...
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Fighting words that are not fought
by Sindre Bangstad...Norway has wide cross-sectional and cross-political purchase. Even overtly xenophobic and racist organizations in Norway now claim on their websites to be opposed to all forms of racism and xenophobia,...
Complicating hate speech matters
...and has to date sold over fifty thousand copies in Norway. Sales of Storhaug’s book were boosted by lavish mainstream media coverage in Norway, by social media recommendations of the...
The public voice of Muslim women
by Sindre Bangstad...equality should have become pronounced in Norway by the 1990s, or that many Norwegian secular state feminists took the lead in promoting and legitimizing such discourses. It was not as...
The surprising history of global blasphemy law
...the House of Lords solicited an official statement from Indian attorney-general Soli Sorabjee on the Code’s outcomes. Sorabjee’s report was emphatically negative. The Code, he said, had fostered “intolerance, divisiveness,...
Islamophobia and terror in Norway
by Jessica Polebaum...Breivik’s thoughts and ideas in Norway and elsewhere share any direct responsibility for his deeds. But mass murder, as Norway’s most prominent political philosopher, Arne Johan Vetlesen has argued in...
Islamic law as “code”: Language, system, power Islamic jurisprudential traditions. Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is a technology, and the fuqaha (jurisprudents) are programmers, making the law “code” in more senses than one. If the code is a...
George Lakoff on The Obama Code
by Ruth Braunstein...the Obama Code. For the sake of unity, the President tends to express his moral vision indirectly. Like other self-aware and highly articulate speakers, he connects with his audience using...
Canon fodder
...another to allow its tentacles into the Church itself. To combat that tendency, the Church has struggled to centralize its own internal codes. Most importantly, a Code of Canon Law...
Skyping secularism: Religion and multiple modernities
by Thomas code was debated hotly after independence, with women’s groups and Muslim authorities disagreeing on a range of issues. The family code is essentially a set of laws that regulates...