Ernst van den Hemel

Ernst van den Hemel is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for the Humanities at Utrecht University. He is an active member of the CHCI initiative Religion, Secularism and Political Belonging. His books include a monograph on political Calvinism entitled Calvinisme en Politiek: Tussen Verzet en Berusting (Uitgeverij Boom, 2009), a collection of essays and interviews on the oeuvre of French philosopher Alain Badiou (Alain Badiou, Filosofie, Kunst en Politiek, Uitgeverij Octavo, 2012) as well as a co-edited volume entitled Words: Religious Language Matters, forthcoming with Fordham University Press (2014). He completed his Ph.D. on John Calvin's Institutes of Christian Religion in 2011 at the University of Amsterdam.

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