- In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful1The opening phrase of almost all the chapters of the Qur’an, and a phrase Muslims use to begin almost any activity. #ttQuran
- What is #ttQuran?
- We will tell you what is #ttQuran.
- What is #ttQuran?
- Truly you do not know what is #ttQuran.
- To know #ttQuran is beyond.
- It is only my ability to tell you about #ttQuran.
- #ttQuran is a revelation.
- Again, #ttQuran is a revelation.
- #ttQuran is not a revelation from God, but is a revelation for me, @islamoyankee.
- When I started #ttQuran as #Quran back in 2009, I had the advice and support of many others.
- We tried to move to #ttq, but that was a disaster2At the time, #ttq was used for “true teen quotes,” a stream that was almost a case study of sacred and profane. so @azizhp gave us #ttQuran.
- In 2011, @bibifatemeh connected me with @USATODAY. They wanted to talk #ttQuran.
- When @usatoday asked about #ttQuran, I was walking with @wajahatali. I passed him the phone.
- When we started #ttQuran, so few people, but so dedicated.
- Too many people to thank but must try.
- @thehoopoe @velveteenrabbi @shahed @MaggieM_S @ryanmakhani #ttQuran
- @loveinshallah @samarkahmad @altmuslimah @preciousspeaks @hindmakki @drsuad #ttQuran
- In #ttQuran there are many names mentioned, many others not, but all are important.
- These people are important for #ttQuran because they spread the word, but also taught me.
- There are many great questions about #ttQuran and what it means.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- The lessons of #ttQuran are many, but for each reader they differ. These are mine.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran was as inter-faith as intra-faith: the #Quran is kitab3 Book. and there are other ahl al-kitab.4People of the Book—communities (like Jews and Christians) that have received revelation.
- The ocean of the #Quran comes out in #ttQuran as we read it with those who know #Torah #Talmud #Midrash #Gospels and #Commentary.
- And the interfaith conversations of before are made now with #ttQuran, and point to the future.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- The “printing” of #ttQuran is different than the print of the book. It is conversation made word.
- Through #ttQuran the #Quran as printed text returns to its origins of being “heard” in bits.
- And in #ttQuran others engage with it with me, so it’s “heard” by community again.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran is dialogue and dialogic.
- To see the story of #Imamah emerge from #ttQuran is new for many.
- In discussing #ttQuran, the standards and assumptions of those new to #Quran are challenged
- & those who approach #Quran for the 1st time through #ttQuran hear resonances w/their traditions that their ears were surprised to hear
- & those who study #Torah #Talmud #Midrash #Gospels and #Commentary encounter new methodologies.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- Watch #ttQuran and see that it is open and for those who are curious.
- There are no limits on #ttQuran, but there is no hate.
- In the community of #ttQuran, hate can’t be a family value.
- With #ttQuran, all are welcome to build arguments that reflect positive engagement.
- Hearing #ttQuran means pushing to new meanings in shades, not absolutes.
- In this way, #ttQuran lets us see the #Quran in a new way, the old way.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- New and old verses are the core of my #ttQuran.
- The #Quran offers favorite phrases that keep reappearing in #ttQuran.
- & new verses reflect my inner life and the outer world during #ttQuran.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- One can see when the ruh 5Soul. Divine Breath. The spiritual part of a human being. dominates, and when the dunya6The world. does in #ttQuran.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- The Mercy and Compassion of God are always in #ttQuran.
- And in #ttQuran the question of “which of your Lord’s favors would you deny?”7A constant refrain from Chapter 55 of the Qur’an. is always asked.
- I always use #ttQuran to show God’s love of the ahl ul-bayt.8People of the House. The five members of Prophet Muhammad’s household—Prophet Muhammad, Bibi Fatimah, Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, Imam Husayn (peace and blessings on them all) – whom the Qur’an explicitly selects for special blessings.
- Nur9A metaphysical light, usually of Divine origin and manifest in the world. and guidance are continuous themes of #ttQuran.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- Justice screams from the pages of #Quran and thus #ttQuran as well.
- Some verses of #Quran and some types of justice are more relevant in #ttQuran depending on what’s happening in the world.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran poses the fundamental question of the relationship between din and dunya.10≈ Religion.
- If din and dunya are separate, can we improve religion only by ignoring the world, even #ttQuran?
- Does technology, even #ttQuran, take us away from spirituality during #Ramadan☪?
- During #Ramadan☪ is #ttQuran a help or hinderance to spirituality?
- But is not the #Quran manifest in the world? Therefore, #ttQuran is religion in the world?
- If dunya and din are all part of God’s gift to us, doesn’t #ttQuran bring them together?
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran is a tool.
- The world shapes religion, and religion should change the world for the better.
- #ttQuran uses the world to engage religion.
- #ttQuran can increase engagement with #Quran, then with religion, then with faith.
- #ttQuran engages with the world to increase maslaha.11The common good.
- The lack of adalah12Justice. in the world makes us lose sakinah,13Contentment and peace/serenity/tranquility of the heart; the surety of God’s presence. & #ttQuran is a salve.
- With loss of ease, we turn to faith, manifest in religion, & seek adalah to restore sakinah. #ttQuran.
- What are the lessons of #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran brings about consciousness, awareness, and intentionality.
- In #ttQuran one has ikhwan,14Literally “brotherhood,” but more appropriately “companionship.” zaman,15Time. During the month of Ramadan, the Qur’an is read after the fast is broken, so it’s the right time to Tweet the Qur’an. and work to make the world a proper makan.16Place. There are places where it is inappropriate to read the Qur’an (like bathrooms), but we can work to make more places appropriate through technology.17These three components – ikhwan, zaman, makan – are considered basic considerations in constructing spiritual practices.
- These are some of the lessons of #ttQuran.
- But the learnings and knowledge and wisdom of #ttQuran are inexhaustible,
- for the learnings, knowledge, and wisdom of the #Quran are inexhaustible. #ttQuran
- What is #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran is a revelation of the Revelation.
- What is #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran are words for the unknown and ineffable, that use the new to make the old new, by making it old again.
- What is #ttQuran?
- The #Quran is an ongoing guidance, (re)made for each time, and for us, part of the remaking is through #ttQuran.
- What is #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran is a reflection of unfolding revelation.
- The people of #ttQuran are new every time, different from a year before or coming for the first time.
- What is #ttQuran?
- #ttQuran is an invitation to a conversation that is not ours, but is for us.18The Qur’an is a conversation with the believer and with itself, constantly revealing itself in every engagement. It is also an invitation to a conversation with God. The text and the conversation are God’s, but we are invited to it for our own benefit.
- What is #ttQuran?
Note from the Editors: This piece was updated on 2/13/2020 to remove an expired link to a Storify collection of social media posts.
and one more to add to the list:
Clever how you managed to bypass the limitations on tweets by using that old low-tech medium of footnotes!
The beauty of hybrid media, Nathan!