What is the relationship between rates of church attendance and national identity? When more than 50 percent of a country's…
Who are the “spiritual but not religious”?
Who are the Americans who identify as “spiritual but not religious”? What unifying characteristics, qualities, and beliefs might they share?…
Pew survey: Jesus to return by 2050?
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press released a new survey last week, focusing on people's predictions…
“Love Thy Neighbor? Not If He’s Different”
At Miller-McCune, David Villano reports on a new study that finds that religious adherents in the U.S. are more inclined…
Muslims in European public spheres and the limits of liberal theories of citizenship
Recent events in Europe, from the cartoon crisis in Denmark to the controversy over the construction of minarets in Switzerland,…
College Professors not as non-religious as one would think
Sociology of Religion has just published a study by Neil Gross and Solon Simmons on US professors' belief in God.…
Church attendance concentrated in South, Utah
Yesterday, Gallup released its 2009 numbers on church attendance (based on more than 350,000 interviews), breaking down the results by…
Beyond believing but not belonging
Religious identification is on the wane in the United States, as in most other nations in the developed world. Yet,…
Religion’s reputation
In 2008, roughly 15 percent of Americans told telephone surveyors with the American Religious Identification Survey that they had no…
John Esposito speaks on The Future of Islam
Leading scholar of Islam John L. Esposito spoke recently at the Carnegie Council in New York City, addressing both the…