In this installment of the Rites and Responsibilities dialogue series, I met with the Boston University anthropologist and scholar of…
Rites & responsibilities
Power and resources: A conversation with Sidney Jones
February 9, 2012
In May of 2010, I sat down for a conversation with the legendary human rights advocate Sidney Jones of the…
A strong moral argument: A conversation with Andrew Bacevich
November 8, 2010
Author of The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War, The Limits of Power: the End of American…
Secularism . . . a really interesting problematic: A conversation with Joan Wallach Scott
July 14, 2010
At a March 2010 conference, “Gendering the Divide: Conflicts at the Border of Religion and the Secular” (sponsored by Arizona…
It’s all about reconciliation: A conversation with Tariq Ramadan
April 7, 2010
I had the opportunity to sit for a conversation with the Swiss philosopher Tariq Ramadan at the end of the…
God was on everybody’s side: A conversation with Jean Comaroff
January 25, 2010
It is my pleasure to inaugurate Rites and Responsibilities, a new dialogue series for The Immanent Frame and the Social…