Today marks the eightieth entry in Frequencies. In the ten most recent entries, Luís León lights a spliff, Wendy Cadge…
Against Judaist-Christianism
September 11, 2010
I do not have much to add to the debate surrounding the Islamic Cultural Center that will surely be built…
“9/11 Christian Center” Pastor provokes ire on all sides
September 7, 2010
The Florida televangelist Bill Keller, who has spearheaded a plan to build a "Christian center" as a counterpoint to the…
Fuel on the fire
August 24, 2010
As Dina Temple-Rastin of NPR reports, controversy over Park51 has reached a new zenith in way of irony. Far from helping…
Half-truth stirs Park51 controversy pot
August 23, 2010
At The Huffington Post, Jeffrey Feldman reports that Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer's claims regarding the Carmelite convent controversy are false.
Religious freedom, wisdom, and Park51
August 20, 2010
As the mid-term electoral season enters its final months, the growing controversy over the construction of Park51, the now well-known…