Though the very term Islamophobia remains highly contested in Norway, the reluctance to define anti-Muslim speech as a form of…
Indigenous protective occupation and emergent networks of spirited refusal
The spirited refusal of conceited and deaf forms of state secularity is on stark display in many contemporary protest movements. This is…
A State of suspicion: Counter-radicalization in Norway
"It has long been known that Muslims constitute the proverbial public enemy number one for right-wing populists across the Western…
The public voice of Muslim women
In an essay here back in 2011, I sounded the alarm about the ubiquity and mainstreaming of hate speech directed…
Islamophobia and terror in Norway
At openDemocracy, Sindre Bangstad writes on the domestic conditions in which Anders Behring Breivik concocted and attempted to justify his…
Breivik and “Christianism”
Andrew Sullivan discusses the difference between Christianity and "Chritianism" in light of the recent terrorist attack in Norway.
Fighting words that are not fought
“Under what conditions does freedom of speech become freedom to hate?” Judith Butler recently asked. Here I will explore these…