“Every morning you climb several flights of stairs, enter your study, open the French doors, and slide your desk and…
The dawn of everything good?
July 14, 2022
The authors’ message is a hopeful one: that humans aren’t predetermined by our ecological conditions or by teleological or evolutionary…
Hidden figures in Jinnealogy
October 4, 2018
Visiting Firoz Shah Kotla has much to tell us about Islamic epistemologies, and much to tell us about how to…
Equality time
March 3, 2016
Most of Religious Difference in a Secular Age: A Minority Report is an original and thorough exploration of the historical…
Modernity, enchantment, and Fictionalism
December 20, 2013
The stern visage of Max Weber looms over discussions of modernity and enchantment, as does the sunnier countenance of Charles…
Utopia now
July 11, 2011
Only when utopia is understood in the present continuous, as arriving without completion, can we make sense of the work…