This dialogue between scholars Robbie Goh and Hillary Kaell covers the lure of the international, “agglomerative impulses,” and attachments to…
Global evangelicalism
The Kingdom of God Has No Borders—A reply
September 18, 2018
First, I want to thank everyone who contributed to this forum. It is an honor to have this impressive group…
United States religion in a transnational frame
September 7, 2018
How does McAlister’s account of religion and politics square with the prominent themes of contemporary developments?
Bordering the Kingdom
August 16, 2018
If the Kingdom of God has no borders, then this can be true only for those for whom borders do…
The evangelicals abroad
August 9, 2018
The "international turn" of American evangelicalism constitutes one of the most distinctive dimensions of the resurgence of conservative Protestantism in…