The Florida televangelist Bill Keller, who has spearheaded a plan to build a "Christian center" as a counterpoint to the…
Cordoba House
Standing shoulder to shoulder
Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali discuss the coincidence this year of Rosh Hashanah and Eid al-Fitr, with regard…
Half-truth stirs Park51 controversy pot
At The Huffington Post, Jeffrey Feldman reports that Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer's claims regarding the Carmelite convent controversy are false.
Jewish community responds to ADL statement on the Cordoba Initiative
This past week, adding to the controversy surrounding the Cordoba Initiative, the Anti-Defemation League (ADL) voiced its opposition to the…
Park51 (née Cordoba House) one step closer to construction
The New York Times reported yesterday that the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission has effectively made it possible for…
More on the Cordoba House
Edward E. Curtis's brief but educative piece in the Daily News brings to light the historical intimacy of Muslim immigrants…
Round-up: the Cordoba House controversy
A summary of news and commentary on the controversy surrounding the planned construction near the former World Trade Center site…
Six degrees of separation not enough?
Robert Wright, in The New York Times, on the Cordoba House---now Park51---controversy.
Conceptions of Islam and American (in)tolerance
On June 6th, in response to plans to construct a Muslim cultural center near Ground Zero, outrage ensued in the…
Plans for Muslim cultural center spark outlash
At Talking Points Memo, Zachary Roth runs down some of the screeds that have flared up lately over plans to…