It is coincidental but telling that Emile Nakhleh’s post supporting U.S. “engagement” with Muslim communities appeared the same week as…
Chicago Council
Engagement for the common good
I have been following the contributions and "debates" on The Immanent Frame in response to the Chicago Council report. My…
Good Muslim, bad Muslim
In my opening post, I suggested that a second assumption underpinning the Chicago Report is that American foreign policy should…
Islam and terrorism
In my previous post, I suggested that one of the latent assumptions underpinning the Chicago Report is that terrorism is…
“Sorry comforters” and the new Natural Law
I read the Chicago Council Task Force Report, “Engaging Religious Communities Abroad: A New Imperative for U.S. Foreign Policy,” as…
A valuation of religious freedom
Winnifred Sullivan and Elizabeth Hurd, in particular, seem to interpret the Chicago Council Report as an attempt to construct a…
The global securitization of religion
My first thought upon reading the Chicago Council’s report “Engaging Religious Communities Abroad: A New Imperative for U.S. Foreign Policy”…
The extra-territorial establishment of religion
There is an embarrassing giddiness in the religious studies world today. With our new mantra in hand—the new “salience” of…
Government, civil society, and religious freedom
Should the U.S. government employ American civil society to engage religious communities overseas in promotion of a “religious freedom agenda”?…
Beware the unstated assumptions
I applaud the Chicago Council on Global Affairs’ call for the U.S. government to recognize the pivotal role of religion…