Michel Foucault famously describes Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon as a “cruel, ingenious cage” to be understood not as a “dream building…
Peter Danchin
Peter Danchin is Associate Professor of Law and Director of the International and Comparative Law Program at the University of Maryland School of Law. He earned his B.A. and LL.B. with First Class Honors from Melbourne University where he was Editor-in-Chief of the Melbourne University Law Review, and his LL.M. and J.S.D. from Columbia Law School where he was a Bretzfelder International Law Fellow. His areas of interest are international law, human rights law, and comparative constitutionalism. His recent articles have been published or are forthcoming in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, the Yale Journal of International Law, and the Harvard International Law Journal. His most recent book, United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security (with Horst Fischer), is forthcoming in 2010 with Cambridge University Press.
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