Judith Surkis

Judith Surkis is Associate Professor of History at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. She has taught previously at Harvard University and Columbia University. She is the author of Sexing the Citizen: Morality and Masculinity in France, 1870-1920 (Cornell, 2006) and is now finishing, Scandalous Subjects: Sex, Law, and Sovereignty in French Algeria 1830-1930. She has begun work on a new project on the politics of private international law and children’s rights in the wake of decolonization. Her articles have been published in the American Historical Review, Public Culture, and the History of the Present. At the Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis, she currently co-directs a two year research project, funded by a Mellon Sawyer Seminar Grant, on “Ethical Subjects: Moralities, Laws, Histories.”

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