On December 6, 2014, influential sociologist of religion Martin Riesebrodt died at the age of 66. Professor Riesebrodt was the author of…
Loren D. Lybarger
Loren D. Lybarger serves as Associate Professor of Classics and World Religions at Ohio University, Athens, where he teaches courses on Islam, Political Islam, Sufism, Theories of Religion, and Religion and Violence. Author of Identity and Religion in Palestine (Princeton, 2007), Lybarger’s research focuses on the effects of Islamic religious revival on Palestinian identity globally. In 2014, he received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship and also a two-year Senior Fellowship at the University of Chicago Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion to complete ethnographic research for a new book, titled, Secularism and the Religious Return among Palestinian Immigrants in Chicago: Transformation of Identity in Exile. This project explores the impact of the turn toward Islam on Palestinian diaspora identity since the 1980s. Lybarger completed his Ph.D. in the Anthropology and Sociology of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School in 2002.