Laura Levitt

Laura Levitt is Professor of Religion, Jewish Studies, and Gender at Temple University and a Benedict Distinguished Visiting Professor of Religion at Carleton College (Winter/Spring, 2024). Levitt is the author The Objects that Remain (2020); American Jewish Loss after the Holocaust (2007); and Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home (1997) and a co-editor of Impossible Images: Contemporary Art After the Holocaust (2003) and Judaism Since Gender (1997). Levitt edits NYU Press’s North American Religions Series with Tracy Fessenden (Arizona State University) and David Harrington Watt (Haverford College). Levitt is currently editing with Oren Stier (Florida International University) a special issue of MAVCOR on “Interrogating the Sacred: Tending to Holocaust Objects” and has begun a new project on former East German writer Christa Wolf.

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