It is a widely held view that the juridical and political management of religion should be grounded in fundamental normative…
Ian Hunter
Ian Hunter is an emeritus professor in the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Queensland. He is an intellectual historian whose work is focused on the history of early modern political, philosophical, and religious thought. His published work includes Rival Enlightenments (2001), The Secularisation of the Confessional State (2007), and "Public Law and the Limits of Philosophy," in Critical Inquiry (2018).
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Secularization histories as cultural-political programs
June 13, 2016
In a The Immanent Frame post on buffered selves, Charles Taylor commented that “The process of disenchantment, involving a change…
The return of sacred history
September 10, 2013
Brad Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation is an expansively ambitious work. Indeed, its aim is to provide nothing less than an “explanation…