Reverberations, the new digital forum on prayer produced in conjunction with the SSRC’s New Directions in the Study of Prayer (NDSP) initiative, continues to grow two months since its launch.
Explore the unfurling multimedia portal curated by Anderson Blanton, “The Materiality of Prayer,” by watching Oral Roberts pray on TV; listening to songs at a Pentecostal church in Virginia; viewing some Catholic holy cards; and by reading about the “collapsing of physical distance through the performance of prayer.” Or spend some time understanding the intersubjective nature of Catholic prayer via Robert Orsi’s new portal, “Real Presences,” which has already garnered reflections from Jason C. Bivins, Timothy Matovina, Sarah M. Pike, and Ann Taves.
Elsewhere in Reverberations, participants in the NDSP initiative reflect on their projects and share insights from their fieldwork, including Sanal Mohan’s visit to Kaippatta, Fareen Parvez’s conversations with Islamic reformist women in Lyon’s working-class urban periphery; Jonathan Lane’s thoughts on how children understand prayer; and Shira Gabriel’s reflections on whether being asked to pray can be harmful to research subjects in her lab. In other posts, Elizabeth Drescher analyzes the rise of religious Nones, particularly in the United States, while Ebenezer Obadare examines the automobile and the text message as instruments in prayer.
And don’t miss Ruth Marshall on “Thinking Methodologically about Prayer as Practice”; Christine Wicker on “How do You Know God’s Talking to You?“; Jeffrey Guhin on “Hippies Were Cool and All, but They Didn’t ‘Beget Evangelical Conservatism‘”; Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins on “Post-Secularism and Prayer“; and more.
Check in regularly with Reverberations and follow us on Twitter at @rvrbs.