n his most recent contribution to The Immanent Frame, "Waiting for Godot, who is either late or not coming at…
Waiting for Godot, who is either late or not coming at all
I wondered how long it would take DPDF participants to undo what I thought I had carefully assembled in my opening post on…
Thinking of Vincent Pecora, with Eric Voegelin in mind
Voegelin’s central, surprisingly Kantian thesis is that some recognition of transcendence is the precondition of open, self-reflexive inquiry. Founded on…
Immanent spirituality
A worthy touchstone to arbitrate between worldviews immanent and transcendent is the désir d'éternité, the "desire to gather together the…
Belief, spirituality and time
Charles Taylor, in his magisterial book on the Secular, periodically engages a constituency he calls immanent materialists. I would like…
Equal opportunity criticism (affirmative faction)
Heidegger did not need to point out (but he did) that God occupies a hegemonic place as the figure of…
Going beyond
One of the main arguments of Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age is that people, at least modern secular Westerners, have…