Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka describes the desperate situation in his native Nigeria in an interview with The Daily Beast’s Tunku…
The “next door” jihadists
Ever since the capture of John Walker Lindh, the so-called “American Taliban,” the media has been on the lookout for…
Gandhi meets Bin Laden
James L. Rowell, an assistant professor of religion at Flager College, examines divergent forms of religious leadership through studies of Gandhi…
Responding to terrorism
At the Huffington Post, John L. Esposito explores the appeal of extremist Islamic stances and suggests how the United States might…
Thomas Friedman taken to task
At the Huffington Post John O. Voll and John Esposito rebut in no uncertain terms Thomas L. Friedman's most recent…
Violence, publicity, and sovereignty
Today we are once more at a time when lawless violence proliferates and territorial boundaries are infringed upon, when state…
Attacking Mumbai
Whatever the global elements involved in these brutal events, from militant methods to media coverage, crucial is the fact that…
Jihad, fitna, and Muslims in Mumbai
While the dichotomy of "moderate" Muslims and "extremists" is prevalent in many media representations, this binary hides more than it…
Is Mumbai’s resilience endlessly renewable?
I grew up in Bombay (now Mumbai) in the 1950s and early 1960s. I spoke Tamil with my mother, a…
The death of secular India is greatly exaggerated
As the citizens of this vast metropolis seek to restore some semblance of normalcy to their lives, it is important…