While the uprising in Egypt caught most observers of the Middle East off guard, it did not come out of…
social media
Understanding Jewlicious
August 31, 2010
David Abitbol, co-creater of Jewlicious, discusses the origins and intentions of his blog with The Jerusalem Post.
A. S. Byatt on literature, religion, and social media
August 27, 2010
The Guardian met up with A. S. Byatt, author of Possession, to talk about, well, a number of things. It…
Introducing the Israel-Palestine Project
June 15, 2010
Diane Winston introduces the Israel-Palestine Project, a multimedia exploration of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, composed by students in her USC Annenberg…
The Christian response to Facebook
April 5, 2010
Julie Potler, in her Culture Watch column in Sojourners magazine, gives a Christian perspective on the religious use of social…
Who speaks for Islam?
March 2, 2008
The politicization of scholars, experts and media commentators post 9/11 has created a minefield for policymakers and the general public.…