[Emily] Ogden intends to “accentuate the negative,” so the train of questions I have—questions that view science in a more…
Proximate enigmas
I’m delighted—and daunted!—for this chance at engaging the rich discussions of this forum. Nothing I say in this short space…
Listening to the torment of existence
On the one hand, the story of modern Islam across multiple disciplines has for decades been organized by a figure…
CFP: Varieties of Understanding
The Varieties of Understanding project at Fordham University in New York is a three-year, $3.85 million initiative that aims to fund groundbreaking work…
The Psychology of Prayer
The Psychology of Prayer: A Scientific Approach, co-authored by Bernard Spilka and Kevin Ladd, a member of the SSRC's New Directions…
RFP: New Directions in the Study of Prayer
The Social Science Research Council recently announced the launch of a new project and grants program entitled "New Directions in…
The home of the syndrome
Sam McPheeters travels through the Holy Land in search of the "Jerusalem syndrome" for Vice.
Nothing is ever lost: An interview with Robert Bellah
Both an influential scholar and a public intellectual, Robert Bellah is one of the foremost sociologists of his generation. His…
Human morality
At the NYTimes.com blog "The Stone," Frans de Waal, C. H. Candler Professor in Psychology and Director of the Living Links…
“American depressions”
At Tikkun Magazine, Harriet Fraad points to five sources that have "devastated the American moral, economic, psychological, and social landscape."