In his most recent Opinionator article at, Stanley Fish comments on the epistemological and ontological assumptions made in discussions…
Civil religion of a different kind
January 29, 2010
Very different from the mode of civil religion that I discussed in my previous post are the experiences of religious…
Nussbaum on sexual orientation and religion
January 27, 2010
At the OUPblog, Martha Nussbaum suggests a Constitutional parallel between religion and sexual orientation.
The state of Shari’a in the UK
January 5, 2010
In The Times, Douglas Murray opines on the foothold Islamic law has gained in British public life and explores how…
Dean of natural law
December 22, 2009
In the New York Times Magazine, David Kirkpatrick writes about Robert P. George, one of the architects of the recently-unveiled…
Taxing yoga: exercise or spiritual practice?
November 17, 2009
Earlier this month, the Associated Press reported on a controversy that erupted over the decision by Missouri tax authorities to…
A secular state must deliver
June 20, 2008
It is hard to disagree with the main arguments of Abdullahi an-Na'im's impeccable book: a healthy religious life requires a…