In her article, "The Persistence of Patriarchy," subtitled Hard to believe, but some churches are still talking about male headship,…
Sarah Palin and the Christian right
June 22, 2010
At Religion Dispatches, Sarah Posner dismisses the possibility that, with Sarah Palin as its leader, the Christian right could become…
When the personal keeps on being political
June 18, 2010
Susan Jacoby's recent post is one of the best statements I've seen in opposition to the "mamma grizzly" feminism of…
Feminism, secularism, and marriage
May 5, 2010
In the latest issue of Studies in Social Justice, an open-access e-journal, Ada S. Jaarsma addresses the "post-secular turn" in feminism with…
Seattle-area nuns investigated for “feminism”?
May 5, 2010
In light of the bad press that the Catholic Church has been receiving lately regarding the cover-up of sexual abuse…
Mary Daly’s passing
January 9, 2010
The pioneering, post-Catholic feminist theologian Mary Daly died on January 3rd at the age of 81.