In December, we celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Adopted by the United Nations General…
John Schmalzbauer
Sociologist John Schmalzbauer teaches in the Department of Religious Studies at Missouri State University, where he holds the Blanche Gorman Strong Chair in Protestant Studies. He is the author of People of Faith: Religious Conviction in American Journalism and Higher Education (Cornell University Press, 2003). He is completing a book on the return of religion on campus with historian Kathleen Mahoney. He is also co-investigator on the National Study of Campus Ministries, a survey of campus ministers in six denominations and two parachurch groups. His commentary and reviews have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the PBS NewsHour's Patchwork Nation Project, and Comment. Recent publications include chapters for The New Evangelical Social Engagement, edited by Brian Steensland and Philip Goff (Oxford, 2013) and The Post-Secular in Question, edited by John Torpey, David Kyuman Kim, and Jonathan VanAntwerpen (NYU Press, 2012).
Latest posts - Page 2
Telling the American story
January 21, 2009
Presidential inaugurations are occasions for civil religious drama. The inauguration of Barack Obama was no exception.
A public theologian
November 7, 2008
Americans have elected the most theologically astute president since Jimmy Carter.
Perplexed by Pentecostalism
September 25, 2008
Lost in the discussion of Sarah Palin's religion is an appreciation for the diversity of American Pentecostalism, past and present.
The Dobson/Obama Rorschach test
July 10, 2008
For years Barack Obama has courted the support of evangelicals. Way back in 2006, Obama served as the keynote speaker…
Obama’s reductionist moment
April 20, 2008
In his ill-chosen remarks to an April 6, 2008 San Francisco fundraiser, Barack Obama showed the danger bad social science…
It’s the economy and the culture stupid!
January 18, 2008
I agree with Michael Lindsay that Mike Huckabee exhibits many of the qualities of a “cosmopolitan” evangelical. And yet it…