This week in the Guardian's Comment is Free belief section, commentators are asked whether western feminism can save Muslim women.
Nicole Greenfield
Latest posts - Page 3
The other ‘life’ issue
At Salon, Frances Kissling argues that Catholic bishops are committing a sin of omission by not fighting for the public option…
Is America becoming a Hindu nation?
Newsweek's Lisa Miller remarks that Americans beginning to embrace views on God and life that are resonant of a distinctly…
Organized religion’s management problem
In his Management 2.0 blog at the Wall Street Journal, Gary Hamel discusses what he thinks is wrong with organized religion.
Khamenei vs. Khomeini
In the New Republic, Ali Reza Eshraghi wonders if Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei "has expedited his own fall by touching the third…
Hollywood’s Jewish avenger
The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg discusses the violence in Quentin Tarantino's new film, Inglourious Basterds.
Contemporary American Judaism
At Religion in American History, Paul Harvey interviews Dana Evan Kaplan about his new book, Contemporary American Judaism: Transformation and…
Secularizing Buddhism
At the Beliefnet Buddhist blog, Vince Horn worries that secularizing Buddhism will strip the tradition from its roots.
The pro-Israel lobby and American Jewry
At the American Prospect, Michelle Goldberg explores the potential consequences of the pro-Israel lobby in the United States heading toward obsolescence.
Must science declare a holy war on religion?
In the Los Angeles Times, Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum discuss the value of the New-Atheist attack on the compatibility between science…