The Red Egg Review is a new online journal addressing questions of secularism and politics from an Eastern Orthodox perspective. There is a noticeable lack of resources about Eastern Orthodox Christianity and questions of secularism and church-state relations. The Red Egg Review, a new online quarterly journal, intends to fill this gap. From the editors:
The Red Egg Review stands against anything that reduces the Orthodox Church to a belligerent in cultural battles. We oppose the use of the Church as a cultural or liturgical nature preserve. The Church has no glorious past to recover, no more innocent or holy time to which we might return, because the Church is, as Fr. Georges Florovsky once said, ‘the continual manifestation of the beginning and the end.’ The Church, like the Magdalene’s red egg, will inevitably destabilize the established social, political, economic, and intellectual systems of the moment through its eschatological presence and witness.
Of particular interest is the article “The Non-Sectarian Sect” by Samuel Noble, an examination of challenges now facing Lebanese Orthodox Christians’ historically secular and non-sectarian identity, and a review by Daniel Greeson of Aristotle Papanikolaou’s book The Mystical as Political, which argues for the compatibility of Orthodox Christianity and liberal democracy. More information can be found here.