Update: Note the new submission deadline.
The Immanent Frame, in cooperation with the award-winning religion magazine Killing the Buddha, is launching Frequencies, a project curated by Kathryn Lofton and John Lardas Modern seeking to commence a “collaborative genealogy of spirituality.”
From the project’s “manifesto”:
This project approaches spirituality as a cultural technology, as a diverse reverberation, as a frequency in the ether of experience. We begin in a moment when novelists wonder about the divine, psychological counselors advertise as spiritual advisers, and scholars seek to capture spirituality’s ephemeral nature through survey research. Spirituality abounds, even as it is unclear what itis. Whatever it is, it seems hard to capture. Spirituality takes hold beneath the skin and permeates below the radar of statistical surveys. It resists classification even as it classifies its evaluators and its believers as subjects of its sway. Frequencies will focus this profusion into an epic anthology of wide-ranging analysis.
Lofton and Modern cite “traditions evoked in the bimonthly essays of Roland Barthes for Les Lettres Nouvelles, in the boxes of Joseph Cornell, and in the curiosity cabinets of old” as inspirations for their project.
The curators have begun circulating a call for artworks to be included alongside a series of texts in prose and verse that will be published during the spring of 2011 on the project website. Artists working in visual media are asked to submit their work to the curators by February 25 March 15, 2011, who will pass it on to a panel for evaluation by March 21 30.
Stay tuned for more on Frequencies.