At the politics blog of Christianity Today, Ted Olsen has created an interactive map of the evangelical vote in this presidential election. He writes:

Obama didn’t win a majority of evangelicals in any state. No surprise there. But there was some question about whether Obama’s support with evangelicals would draw one out of three evangelical voters (as Clinton did in 1992) or one out of four (as Kerry did in 2004). The answer is closer to the latter: Exit polls say 26 percent of American voters called themselves evangelical or born-again Christians, and of these, 74 percent voted for McCain, with 25 percent voting for Obama. (Another measure put the percentage of evangelicals at 23 percent, with 73 percent voting for McCain, 26 percent for Obama.)

Read the full post here, check out the interactive map below, see CNN’s exit poll data on evangelicalism and religion here, and read “The evangelical vote in question” by Conrad Hackett at The Immanent Frame.

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